6 thoughts on “CHART OF THE DAY

    1. gary Post author

      No super suit, no wraps, and no belt. Body weight 77 kgs. He just did 280 kgs like it was a feather. My best when I was young was 255 and I was one of the strongest squatters in the country. He’s light years ahead of me.

  1. Jonathan

    INTC in red! I feel bad for those who bought immediately after the report yesterday, it was up like 7-8%. I hate that companies play tricks in their reports. That can only fool small investors for a short period of time, not institutions, and eventually the market sets the price right because it’s driven by big money, leaving the small guys being ripped off. Unfortunately the companies are addicted to it.

  2. Li

    Nailed it (I think!). GDXJ isn’t responding to further drops in gold, but GDX still is. Maybe one more day, might have been today at 1140.6.

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