The Surprise for 2018

The surprise in 2018 is going to be the collapse in the US dollar. It will drive the bubble phase in stocks (it already is), it will drive gold out of it’s basing pattern (I think it has begun), and inflation in general will start to rise significantly next year (oil is already at $60 when many were looking for a return to sub $30).

Despite what may clueless analysts would like to believe, despite what the so called artificial intelligence software is predicting (it should be called artificial ignorance) there are going to be consequences to printing trillions of dollars, and those consequences were never going to be deflation and a strong dollar. The world managed to delude itself for almost 3 years into thinking the dollar would rise despite QE, but that delusion is now being stripped away, and in the years ahead the piper is going to be paid. Last year at this time almost everyone was expecting the dollar to go to 120, instead it went to 91. My prediction is that it will be at 80 or lower by the end of 2018. That will be the surprise of 2018, what most investors are not expecting, just how far the dollar drops.

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114 thoughts on “The Surprise for 2018

  1. Gary Post author

    I’m going to post a detailed video to the premium website later today examining the breakdown and how it is driving everything higher.

    Most analysts don’t believe that stocks can go higher, but none of them are factoring a collapse in the US dollar and just how forcefully that is going to drive everything higher, including and especially stocks.

  2. BeachandBiscuits

    My #1 market priority for next year is Nasdaq 10,000 (at least).

    I hope you think we’re still well on the way to that Gary πŸ™‚

  3. Steffmeister

    Some of my miners are going nuts here, money flowing into The Steff 17miners portfolio πŸ˜›

    Defiance Jordan Roy-Byrne’s favorite explorer:

    Cobalt is cool, no HOT I mean, bought in at 3-5c a couple of years ago:

    The Silvery Klondike, Tx Bob Moriarty:

    The Ancient lost Cities, Tx Bob Moriarty again πŸ™‚

    Golden Predator looking good:

    Mux, Impact, Leagold, Semafo etc. and so forth and so on, how long will it last?

    1. BeachandBiscuits

      Anyone have an opinion on Klondike Gold?

      It looks like a possible mini-Novo type situation if their theory about the source of placer gold in the Klondike is correct.

    2. Nada

      Steff, how do you do it? Just amazing that you had the foresight to see that gold had an upcoming ICL. You were correct when you said;

      “I am the only one here with the skills to predict golds behavior, short, mid and long term πŸ˜› zkot, ped, sally,nada, gary”

      Anyway, all joking aside. Do you still believe this is 4tth wave up and a final wave to 1220-1200 is imminent? Would like to hear you confirm. I had questioned the timing of this IC, as I saw the ICL being struck in late Jan, early Feb. However, there has been too many confirmations to keep that outlook. I went into calls when gold struck the .786 retracement and I sold 75% of position yesterday.

      I thought about opening a hedge here in puts at where I see resistance in gold, but Gary has finally taught me.. The advancing phase of IC – surprises come to the upside. I have seen enough evidence of the ICL.

    3. MikeD

      Steff, do you own GDXJ or JNUG? After 3rd January 2018 MIFID II bans European brokers to allow trading with many US-based ETF:s. I’m leaning towards shifting my broker to IB. Can somebody recommend a good US broker for an EU citizen? I hate these “EU scratch my back politicians”.

      1. Nada

        IB is a good match. They have a lot of short shares available if you are into that sort of thing. Their platform is lacking, but if you are not a day trader, then it should not be of concern.

        A few other benefits are they do not have ticket fees on options (so you can scale in/out) and offer low contract rates. Most importantly, they offer access to US pre-market at 4am eastern, which pretty much beats out everyone else.

          1. MikeD

            Thanks for the replies, I mostly trade ETF:s, that’s why it is so frustrating when they ban US ETF trading. I don’t day trade nor trade options but I trade occasionally open end certificates.

          1. Jim Dandy

            Yep, Bitclowns should be uneasy after such a weak bounce, following a 50% smashing. And they sure as hell will regret holding into January, when many are planning on taking profits since they can defer taxes for another year.

          2. LeilaniFarms

            I see, very nice. 85% gain is excellent!

            I’ve never owned ANY type of Crypto Currency, however, I watch BitCoin, Ethereum, as well as LiteCoin and from what I can see, it doesn’t look good! haha

          3. Steffmeister

            yes thats the B-wave followed by a horrific C-wave. I am not touching btc not even with a ten inch pole. Biggest bubble in history it’s expensive high on energy, slow and backed by nothing.

            I can afford to stay out.

          4. Nada

            Yeah, with options.. well I entered 1 day before FOMC on the retracement to .786 in gold, but since I was in out of the money calls, I didn’t know want to play – price can go against you quick.

            So I am hoping for a pull back to get in ITM calls with a longer expiration so I don’t have to play the wiggles.

  4. Steffmeister

    my post awaiting moderation … okey?

    Nada my man:
    Yes I remember that post I was in a bad mode I guess haha. Scary thing that you are saving my posts …

    Gold in 2018, a nice rally from here, I have a date yes, the end of it will be sooner rather than later, but not as soon as you think Nada. Then a low a small rally again and then

    THE FINAL LOW to set a Double bottom.. Backup your truck and buy buy and buy. Forget about bitCrap and other unnatural instruments. Gold&Silver is the only deal here!

    I am going to challenge both palobar and Gary I will prepare a post going into 2018 πŸ™‚ just for fun!
    I hope that Gary and palobar are correct, I am all in at the moment, but I think I’ve got mother nature on my side.

    I owned Novo but sold too early, I know nothing about Klondike, sorry..

    Mike D,
    No I missed JNUG I was waiting for sub10 that never happened. I am also part of the corrupt EU crap. Sweden has turned into a diversified multicultural shithole. The globalist favorite country to bully and the left/libtard sheeple are all clueless of what is going on.

      1. Nada

        My guess is.. Gary beefed up security around the WOPR – so someone would not come in and dump a huge post. Mine got flagged this morning when I posted a longer than usual message with some links to charts.

    1. Nada

      “Nada my man:
      Yes I remember that post I was in a bad mode I guess haha. Scary thing that you are saving my posts …”

      How could I let an opportunity like that pass me by Steff? I have to use that as ammunition at a later date πŸ™‚

    2. Jim Dandy

      Sweden was too white, they couldnΒ΄t have that! ItΒ΄s sickening to read about the violent gang rapes occurring there (and other parts of the world). I wonder why the fathers and brothers of these girls donΒ΄t lay down the law, prison be damned.

      1. Nada

        What did I miss? Whatever it was, I agree 100% Jim. I watch a Sweedish youtube blogger that documents entries at the ports and all these rape cases. It appears the landscape of Europe has been forever changed.

      2. Steffmeister

        Three gang rapes in less than a month in MalmΓΆ, the third largest city in Sweden. We had 35 muslims in the country in 1930, now it’s close to 8% of the population or 6-800.000.

        A sinister fishy game is going on. I am not sure the news are legit. Maybe they want Swedes to go absolute haywire and ignite a spark to create chaos in society.

        Most immigrants doesn’t fit into an ultra modern high tech country like Sweden, so they are sitting passive in “soft concentration camps” waiting for something unknown. I do not know what the elite is planning? Startup cheap production again, startup mining on mass scale?

        1. Jim Dandy

          White genocide is what they have planned. Whites are the only ones not encouraged to be proud of their oen and their accomplishments, in fact it is illegal in many places, at a minimum they will call a proud white perdon racist, or nazi. Thus the immigrant invasion in all white countries, despite the populace not wanting it.

          1. Jim Dandy

            Look at what has happened to white landowners in South Africa, you will have to dig but you can find photos as well as accounts. Once they turned the tables, it became open season on Whites, only because of their skin color. This is the template for your country and mine. The media lies like no tomorrow about the facts on crime and who commits them, as well as who are the victims are. Its not hard to figure out once you know the actual facts, not reported by controlled media.

            The white shaming goes a long way to explaining the SJWs and their hatred of their own race, males, straight people, etc. It gets pretty crazy when you look into possible explanations.

            Anyway, just a side discussion so we should probably bring the talk back around to trading.

      3. RTTPD

        Just happened to watch this early this morning. They’re interviewing a young sweedish lady who is trying to lead a nationalistic movement to stop the rapes. But it’s being shut down by the globalists in charge of the sweedish government. They even mention that some of it is tied to Clinton’s charity foundation. Right around 39 minute mark she start talking….

    1. victor

      that video should be shown to all Americans, can’t believe most are against Trump policy on immigration…
      I think for Europe this is only the beginning of an end…

      1. RTTPD

        American men and women are no where close as docile and the swedish.

        I live in a county on the border of WV/VA and if you were to come on a landowners property and steal their Trump signs and vandalize their property during the election like you saw in California, you’d be shot down like a wild dog. And not only would you be shot down, the shooter would get away with it here.

        Maybe what’s happening in Sweeden could be somewhat duplicated in a place like California, but you’ll never in your lifetime see gangs of Muslims raping white women out in this neck of the woods.

  5. Andy

    steff surely aftonbladet ot expressen never lie πŸ˜‰

    My parents and brother still live in Sweden, and I have plenty of friends there. What we read about Sweden and immigration crisis and rapes does not at all match what they tell me reality is like. There would be an all out race war already if it were true

    1. Steffmeister

      Then you need to open your eyes Andy, welcome to MalmΓΆ any day it reminds me of a city in Iraq or Afghanistan rather than Sweden.

      From kindergarten to high school a majority of immigrants, Today MalmΓΆ, SΓΆdertΓ€lje, Kista tomorrow central Stockholm and GΓ€vle.

  6. Andy

    Yea but Malmo was bad off decades ago….maybe not on this level though. I suppose the solution is to vote in the nationalist party and mass deportation to follow. Heck as an immigrant in the US you are subject for removal proceedings if you run a red light…no minimum crime level.

    1. Jim Dandy

      LOL, the US doesnΒ΄t kick anybody out, often not even criminals! I have a latino friend who has never gotten his paperwork bc he says there is no need. He has had the same job for 13 years, on the books, along with several of his countrymen as co-workers. They all know itΒ΄s a joke and there is no need for papers unless you want to vote. The cops canΒ΄t even call immigration (ICE) in most big cities, when they encounter an illegal alien.

      Contrast that to an American trying to work in a Latin American country illegally, for example. The American will not be employed for one week before they show up to deport him, and that is with limited resources and departments.

      1. Jim Dandy

        and when they get a traffic ticket, they just pay it, no matter they donΒ΄t have a driver license. The US has laws to prevent illegal immigration, but itΒ΄s just a facade and they do not enforce them. They fully know that once a foreigner enters the country, the odds are high they will never see him again and he wonΒ΄t leave. The one exception is foreigners from Europe, for some reason the US has a strong aversion to letting new Europeans immigrate legally.

        If you donΒ΄t believe me, call ICE the next time you see a pack of suspect illegals, and see how fast they come running to investigate. They wonΒ΄t show up ever, bc they arenΒ΄t allowed to enforce the laws. Did we not just see the San Francisco mayor openly tell Trump and the nation that the federal laws donΒ΄t matter and wonΒ΄t be applied in San Francisco? ItΒ΄s out of control.

  7. Andy

    Jim I don’t know what to tell you about that. My sister in law is an immigration attorney and one of her clients had his citizenship stripped and deported as he had neglected to disclose speeding tickets before becoming naturalized.

    1. Gary Post author

      Short term sentiment has gotten pretty bullish. 84% bulls in GDXJ. They probably need to take a break for a bit and allow sentiment to cool off. The 5 day RSI went over 90 as well.

      1. Gary Post author

        The wild card is the dollar. It has broken another major trend line today. If it starts to accelerate towards the September low then all bets are off and metals could just stay overbought for a while.

        1. Nada

          The green area represents the previous ICL, and the duration of the first daily cycle. The hunt for a DCL was attempting to occur, but the fire and furry tweet sent gold to the moon. during the previous IC. So I was using as an example, of possible trading days left.

          I would take that duration with a grain of salt. This looks like a good spot for a correction to 200ma, but not so sure with yields and dixie falling from the sky. Not sure who madrone is?

          1. Jimsee

            if this is what I think it is in terms of degree of cycle – 1320 should be hit in first leg of first leg πŸ™‚

  8. Anthonyo

    Why will USD crash and burn now?

    It seems Euro will do that way before USD, as USD is and will be the currency of last resort when the S hits the fan in EU, Asia the scared money will come into USD and US stocks.

    Why this focused obsession against USD??
    Doomers and gloomers predicted the sam ein 2007-2008 debt crisis: and since then the USD has been dying of the same heart attack since the great recession crash of 2007-2008.
    Except that it hasn’t, didn’t, and probably will not UNTIL Euro goes to zero first.

    1. Anthonyo

      Besides with interest rates on the rise in US, USD ain’t gonna go anywhere anytime soon.
      Where is the inflation? I don’t see it.

      Only inflation is in stock prices and housing right now.

  9. Anthonyo


    $69 oil will not last.
    It was due to some explosion in Libya.
    Oil is not out of the woods yet.
    Oil to retest $49 area again before it rallies next year to higher highs.

  10. Jim Dandy

    No Bitclown appearances today, imagine that. It will be funny when they finally decide to sell, only to find the super slow reaction times made even worse in a panic. It will be like the old days trying to trade on the floor of the exchange, but from outside in the street.

    1. Americano

      Cmon Redcoat Dandy.
      We who chose the Mayflower for the New World of Bitcoin listen to Gary.
      Granted, it’s selective hearing…. but he does say β€œ don’t try to play the wiggles”.
      Eyes firmly on prize. New World vs small one of merry ol England.

  11. Nada

    Algos sold GLD GDX and bought GDXJ, go figure. Watch for WSJ print. Guestimation;

    -70m SOS GDX
    +142m GDXJ (will not show up)
    -39m GLD

      1. Nada

        Didn’t realize GDXJ closed red. So yes, the BOW will show up. I estimated 142m, the actual number .. drum roll.. +143.26m

  12. ted

    I agree with Gary about the dollar.

    A crashing dollar means cranking up the cryptos!

    Watch. BTC = $40,000.

    1. Americano

      Ted, the Dollar is a clever, clever girl.
      Such is the resilience that comes by being the least ugly girl in school.
      You’re gonna get a date.
      Where ya gonna go? Yuan? Euro?
      I’m leaning more on an earlier Gary call of bond mayhem.
      Either way Bitcoin is a GIMME for $25K.
      I like $50K by EOY.
      When the above occurs the comments of disbelief will be casual by those who chose to stay in England.
      Because they’ve missed out on so many breakouts before. It’s their nature.
      I was here when Gary called the Baby Bull in 16 & saw all the comments by the hand wringers who got in late only to get whipsawed.
      Not us Ted. We chose……
      The Mayflower.

      1. Nada

        Ted is smart as a whip, so you must be right Americano. This time is truly different. Seeya at 8k πŸ™‚

  13. Anthonyo

    Traders are expecting the next recession, possibly starting at the end of next year. This is consistent with my indicators. Stock prices tend to rally strongly before a recession.

    All this means now is the time to buy stocks for quick gains before the next recession hits.

    1. Americano

      $1300 for gold is the Maginot Line.
      Miners can be shorted at will below.
      I purposely call it that because while formidable looking…’s French & was easily over run.
      Higher than $1300 gold just isn’t interesting, but perhaps my attention is just elsewhere
      Like TQQQ ( the dream machine) or……..;-)

    1. Gary Post author

      This is the same guy that thought the Fed would hold off on an interest rate hike.

      I don’t think you want Jim managing your money.

    2. Americano

      Rickards splits time two ways.
      1) Avoiding qualified hair stylists.
      2) Pumping Bitcoin with wacky spy stories.
      Both aspects are RIPE for his New Years Resolutions list.

  14. palobar

    I am working on Gold and will share my expectations for 2018 in the next days once I finalise my work. I plan to share 3 dates that hopefully will capture the major turning points for Gold. That was the case for 2015, 2016 and 2017. I expect to see some larger swings next year. My upside target may surprise some of you.

    For the short-term, we had a couple of positive developments but nothing really major yet. We have seen this type of price action so many times in the past 5 years which caught the majority on the wrong side at the yearly highs. Friday’s close will be very important. If Gold moves beyond $1307 the bears will get very uncomfortable. However, if Gold fails to do so, and falls back to test the December low, prepare for the collapse.

    1. Gary Post author

      The December low is way too far away to get tested in two days.

      The intermediate cycle has bottomed and is only on week two. It has at least 8-10 more weeks before there is any chance of it topping, maybe more. The daily cycle still has 10 to as many as 20 trading days yet before we should expect a top.

      Yes there will be down days along the way and there will be times of indecision like today when miners diverged a little bit from gold, but the big picture is that gold is now in the advancing phase of a new intermediate cycle.

      I think the first half of 2018 the dollar will break down out of the megaphone top and gold will break out of the basing pattern.

      It’s time to make money while the making is good. πŸ™‚

      I’m going to tell you the same thing I told traders during the initial phase of the baby bull. Hang on baby. It’s going to be a nice ride.

      1. palobar

        Apologies if my post was confusing. I meant if the Dec’17 low would be tested in the next days. Either way, I agree with you that it is going to be nice ride. I won’t be surprised to see Gold test the $6800-$8800 area during bull market.

        1. Nada

          I guess your opinion has changed a lot. Before it was going to be an unrelenting dollar rally for 9 months and gold was going to test July low and then 3 digits was on the table.

  15. zkotpen

    Blue Skies
    Ella Fitzgerald
    Blue skies
    Smiling at me
    Nothing but blue skies
    Do I see
    Singing a song
    Nothing but bluebirds
    All day long
    Never saw the sun shining so bright
    Never saw things going so right
    Noticing the days hurrying by
    When you’re in love, my how they fly
    Blue days
    All of them gone
    Nothing but blue skies
    From now on
    I never saw the sun shining so bright
    Never saw…

  16. Spanglish Inquisition

    My Jan 5th NUGt 30$ calls are up 677%. Sold 2/3 yesterday. How long should I hold the rest or am I just being greedy?

    1. Jim Dandy

      That would be something if it occurred. I tend to think it unlikely being how long it took gold to rise (11 years) since 2011. Then again, gold went up 700% in that time, and it only has to go up 100% to get to the 3k-5k level from here, so I suppose it is achievable. Not to mention it would catch everybody by surprise, to be talking about new all time highs when all we have heard the last 6 years is bear, bear, bear.

  17. golddigger

    Nice one Spanglish! Looks like gold flagging under 1300. Its just like the market to eat up some shorts as it’s so cooled up and full of energy during this out of the ordinary push. Can N Korea do something scary (but ultimately non threatening) tomorrow and push through this formidable barrier!?

    1. Spanglish Inquisition


      This is a pattern created by professional leveraged traders adding positions at every price test.

      1. Spanglish Inquisition

        Sorry. The link didnt work. It’s basically a stair-step up pattern that you can easily see on the 1 hour chart. It’s leverage stacking, aka pyramid’ing up. What that means is uncertain, but if it’s the commercials stacking leverage, I would be it will continue a bit longer because everyone is still cautiously bearish it seems.

  18. Jim Dandy

    So much for the bounce in Bitsmoked, just wait until sellers try to preserve whatever gains they have left on Jan 1, so as to defer taxes. It will be costly to wait that long, only to save on taxes while losing another 60% to $6000. No Santa rally for the pilgrims and astronauts this year!

  19. RegB

    Im in the same position. Couldnt believe it when a message from broker said I couldnt buy, example, JNUG any more once 2018 starts! (Also got a letter from a bank advising later next year I will NOT be able to transfer funds in or out to non European countries!)
    I emailed both ProShares and Direxion but neither plan to issue the KIIDs (the EU requirement).
    IB was mentioned in an earlier posting. Is IB InteractiveBrokers? I tried phoning them but got automated system which got me nowhere (and live-chat didnt work)
    If you (or anyone else) find a way to trade US leveraged (without the EU red tape) I’ll be delighted to hear (and no I’m not in a position to move home 8-))

    1. MikeD

      IB stands for Interactive Brokers. Isn’t it lovely to live in Soviet Union (EU)? If I find a solution I’ll post it on this blog.

  20. JJHarmen

    Looks like another gap up , sell down stock market day that probably won’t amount to much. Gold is hesitating but should break through the 1300 level soon. Those are my useless predictions for the day. I have no comment on Bitcoin since no one really seems to be trading it anyway.

  21. JJHarmen

    Speaking of Bitcoin, has our resident expert, Roy Batty left us for good? And where the heck is Mustang Sally?

  22. ras

    pm miners are a funky/ tricky lot moving angstrom by angstrom. cu and al stocks, by contrast, move with greater energy.

  23. Pingback: The Dollar and Gold for 2018 | The Deviant Investor

  24. Pingback: The Dollar and Gold for 2018 - Deflation Market

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