This offer will expire at the close of the market today.
Until the end of trading today I’m going to extend an offer to view the weekend report free. Simply email me ([email protected]) a request.
If you’re tired of making the same emotional mistakes over and over and you never make any long term sustainable gains this is your opportunity to try something different. Let me stress again that I’m not going to promise any ridiculous winning percentages of 90%, or make you 100% on your money in a month. I’m not going to try to con you into thinking I have a AI computer that can see the future. Those kind of offers are scams to get your money. If something sounds too good to be true it is. I’m just going to offer to teach you a system that over time produces long term sustainable gains.
Over the last three years the SMT metal portfolio has returned over 400%. Even so we’ve had plenty of losing trades along the way. But the system is robust and we are able to consistently recover from the losing trades.
Over the last three years the SMT stock portfolio has returned well over 200%. Again, we’ve had losing trades during this period, but the system over time produces long term sustainable gains.
If you like what you see and want to try a subscription I will offer a discount on the first month. This offer will only be good until the market closes on Tuesday and only to new subscribers and previous subscribers who made the mistake of canceling their subscription during a drawdown before they gave the system time to work.