I have 10 slots for the general public available. Email me at [email protected] to register.
The 2021 challenge
Here are the rules:
Everyone starts with $100,000 in paper funds.
- You must email me within a minute of making your trade so that I can confirm price. I don’t care if you actually take these trades in your portfolio. These can be paper trades. I just want real time calls.
- Trading starts on Monday, although you don’t have to make a trade until you are ready.
- I need price and percentage of portfolio only. (I will calculate how many shares). Only price for closing trades. (ex: XYZ stock;10% of portfolio; Price $10.50)
- I will email confirmation by the evening of that day. If you don’t get confirmation from me send your trade again in case it got lost in the ether.
- No penny stocks (under $5.00) are allowed. I will allow ETF’s under $5.00.
- No options. Only leveraged ETF’s.
- No day trading. You can stop out for a loss on the same day as entry, but you can’t take a profit on the same day.
- No more than 10 positions at any one time. I don’t have time to track 40-50 positions.
- The challenge will run 12 months and end on the last day of December.
- Entry to the challenge is free.
1st place: $500 cash, or a free one year subscription to the SMT, winners choice.
2nd place: $250 cash or 6 months free subscription to the SMT.
3rd – 5th will receive 3 free months SMT subscription.
To register you need to email me (preferably from the email address you are going to notify trades from) Include your first and last name. (I will only post first names and last initial to the monthly leader board.)
The 2021 Challenge registration is now closed.
Let the games begin.